Other Points

Citizen groups may submit an article for consideration at Town Meeting by drafting an article and collecting 10 valid signatures on a petition form available from the Town Clerk. This must be done before the Selectmen close the warrant for any given Town Meeting. As a practical matter such petitioners are well advised to "run" the article by the Selectmen ahead of time so that they can be assisted in making sure the article is submitted in correct and legal form for the meeting to act on it. The Moderator and the Selectmen go over the warrant with Town Counsel prior to Town Meeting for this purpose.

Town meetings are NOT guided by Robert's Rules of order. The book of rules for Plympton is "Town Meeting Time, a Handbook of Parliamentary Law" published by the Massachusetts Moderators Association and available either at the Public Library or from the Moderator.

The operative word for town meeting is OPEN. It is the desire of all Town Officials that as many voters as possible attend Town Meeting. Every effort will be made to allow your opinions to be heard and your questions to be answered. Every year we spend in excess of four million dollars at Town Meetings, of which an average of $4768 comes from each household. All Town Meetings are posted in five places around Town, announced in the paper, and advertised through street signs around Town. One would hope that each of us would wish to have an input and vote on how our money is spent.