General Bylaws 2017

This revision of the Town of Plympton Bylaws includes the following additions or changes voted at the May 17, 2017 Annual Town Meeting:

Approved by the Attorney General:  September 19, 2017

Article 9-Insertion of Revolving Funds Bylaw Article XXXI
Inserting a new bylaw, Article XXXI, establishing various revolving funds, specifying the departmental receipts to be credited to each fund, the departmental purposes or programs for which each fund may be expended, and the entity authorized to expend each fund.

Article 25– Amendment to Bylaw Article XXI Rules and Regulations Relative to the Control of Dogs in the Town of Plympton so that the local Town of Plympton Bylaws coincide with the following State Regulations: M.G.L. Chapter 140 Sections 141, 145, and 157.

Article 26 Amendment to Bylaw Article IV, Sections 1 and 2 by inserting language, deleting language, and renumbering sections of Section 2.

These Bylaws replace the 2016 version of the
General Bylaws dated July 28, 2016.